Chort and Chernoglav Unveil the Metal Realm
With a vast encyclopedia of musical theory, Chort the Crop Infestor and Chernoglav The Hero With The Silver Moustache review the expansive darkness of the Metal genre. From the latest to the greatest they describe intricate nature of new black metal albums, legends in Death, Doom, Prog, Thrash, and much more. Check out the latest stuff now!
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Album Review: Celestial Sanctuary - Insatiable Thirst for Torment
Celestial Sanctuary's "Insatiable Thirst For Torment" delivers a rancid, intense experience, evolving from earlier output to deliver a pummelling modern DM album.
Album Review: Crypta: Shades of Sorrow
Crypta’s latest album is a finely tuned death metal machine, as it mixes old and new school, crushing basslines, and prominent guitar sections. It’s a must listen for death metal fans.
Immersed in the Blackened Depths of Budapest
Greetings, fellow Citadelians! Chort, your loyal in-keeper of the Heavy Metal Citadel, embarked on a pilgrimage recently to Budapest. This city resonates with the echoes of Attila the Hun, Nazis, the Red Army, and of course, METAL and here is my tale.
Overture to Incineration Fest 2022
Getting ready for Incineration Fest?! Read up on all the venues and bands attending!